• PANTONE D65 Lighting Indicator照明指標貼 6500K测试


     品牌:PANTONE  加工定制:否  型号:D65  
     光源类型:荧光灯  光源功率:20 W 防护等级:IP64  
     主要适用范围:印刷,纺织  颜色:白色  寿命:15000 h 


    New PANTONE LIGHTING INDICATOR Stickers make it easy to determine if your viewing conditions are right for accurate color evaluation, specification and matching. NOW AVAILBLE for D65-range lighting! Quality of light has a critical impact on color appearance, and making a color decision under the wrong lighting conditions can lead to costly and time-consuming mistakes.

    PANTONE LIGHTING INDICATOR Stickers tell you at a glance whether your ambient lighting conditions are giving you an accurate visual read of your color. Simplicity itself. Two light-sensitive patches react to your viewing illumination, changing color under different lighting temperatures. Under proper lighting the two patches will appear to match. If the light is not in the proper range, the two patches will appear different. The further your light source is from the proper range, the more contrast the two colors of the indicator will display. Two ranges, many applications.

    PANTONE LIGHTING INDICATOR Stickers are provided in two lighting ranges: D50 (5000k) – the recommended illumination for graphic design D65 (6500k) - the preferred lighting color temperature for many design and production applications Got the color your want? Stick with it. PANTONE LIGHTING INDICATOR Stickers have a peel-off adhesive back that lets them attach to and travel with your color proofs, ensuring that everyone in your production chain will make accurate color decisions. Be confident in your color choices.

    The PANTONE LIGHTING INDICATOR Sticker makes it easy to get color right. Each page contains 40 stickers, product is sold in individual pages.
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